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selected ufo cases

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Massive Wing-Like Object at Mary Lake

December, 12, 2001 - Mary Lake Subdivision, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

A man came home from work to find that his daughter was very excited to tell him about a strange sight that she and others had seen early that morning. The daughter saw a massive, wing-like thing, slowly flying over, southeast. "All I know is that it was not a plane !" she added as an ending note.  View full report

Source: Martin Jasek   ID: 784
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Children

Woman is Sickened by Two Encounters With UFOs on Successive Nights

August, 24, 2005 - Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

A couple traveled from Eagle Rock, Missouri to small resort near Marion, Ohio. Witness saw the "stealth-like" craft in the drawing above crossing highway 61 very slowly and very low. She heard no sound and passed right under the object. Over a month after the two encounters the witness continued to experience physical symptoms that surfaced since her encounters in August of 2005.  View full report

Source: UFOs Northwest (ufosnw.com)   ID: 783
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physiological Effects, Smell/Odor

Sheriffs Watch High-Performance Discs (The Michigan Sightings / 'Swamp Gas' Case) Featured Case

March, 14, 1966 - Dexter-Hillsdale, Michigan, United States

Washtenaw County sheriffs and police in neighboring jurisdictions reported disc-shaped objects moving at fantastic speeds and making sharp turns, diving and climbing, and hovering. At one point, four UFOs in straight-line formation were observed. Selfridge AFB confirmed tracking UFOs over Lake Erie at 4:56 a.m. Their stories were backed up by more than 100 witnesses  View full report

Source: FUFOR (Fund for UFO Research)   ID: 778
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Police, Radar, Witness Sketch, Group Sighting, Mass Sighting

Two-hundred people observe and hear disk-shaped object overhead (Redlands Sighting)

February, 4, 1968 - Redlands, California, United States

On February 4, 1968, about two hundred residents of Redlands, California, either saw or heard what was apparently the same huge, low-flying, disk-shaped object as it passed overhead. A minister conducting services in a church in Redlands was recording his sermon at the time and obtained a recording of the sound, which many people present described as a high-pitched, modulated whining sound.  View full report

Source: APRO / Ronald Story, 1980 / NICAP website (nicap.org)   ID: 777
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Mass Sighting, Group Sighting, Clergy, Body Lights, Rotary/Spin Motion, Sound

Cigar-shaped object seen landing on the water in South Carolina

July, 15, 1981 - Newberry, South Carolina, United States

Carl E. Moore, 14-years-old, was fishing with friends near Newberry, South Carolina, when he saw a 30-foot long cigar-shaped UFO land on the water. It was flying very slowly over the water, and then settled on the surface of the water causing steam to rise around it. After about 3 minutes it rose slightly and hovered about one foot above the surface. Suddenly, it shot skyward, rising vertically until it was out of sight  View full report

Source: Waterufo.net / MUFON Journal, Dec. 1982   ID: 776
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related

Saucer-shaped object observed entering water in Hamilton, Ontario

August, 1981 - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

In late August of 1981, three men and two women were driving near Hamilton, Ontario when they observed a red-orange, domed saucer shaped object. The UFO moved towards Hamilton Harbour, slowed down, and gently entered the water. The group remained in the area for seven hours, wondering if the object would resurface. Finally, two objects were seen to partially emerge and remain in that position through the point that the group finally left.  View full report

Source: Carl Feindt, WaterUFO.net   ID: 774
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related, E-M Effects

UFO observed by family in Port Alberni, BC, Canada; featured in TV report

August, 15, 2005 - Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada

A family in Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada, watched a UFO. The sighting was featured in a CH TV News report, showing interviews with the family as they described the UFO and its behavior. The daughter noticed the object first and called to her parents. "Then I saw it stay in one place for fifteen seconds," she says. "It was tipping to the right and left, sort of like this. And then it went straight west."  View full report

Source: HBCC UFO   ID: 772
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Witness Photo

UFO seen floating on lake on witness' property in Tennessee

April, 10, 2002 - Tennessee, United States

At 5:30 A.M. the witness arose and went downstairs to the kitchen and opened the blinds to look for deer on the lake on her and her husband's property, when she saw a bronze metallic octagon-shaped object about 20 feet across which seemed to float on the lake. She heard no sound but watched the object for about a minute, then ran upstairs to call her husband to look. By the time the two returned the object had disappeared.  View full report

Source: MUFON South Florida   ID: 771
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related, Landing

Glowing metallic UFO seen twice in one morning over Fresno, California

December, 1, 2005 - Fresno, California, United States

A delivery person for the Fresno Bee newspaper saw a glowing, metallic UFO twice during the course of one morning's route. There was a dark spot on the center bottom of the craft. The witness could hear the quiet noise of the engine, which sounded like a low airplane engine, but with pauses in the sound pattern.  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 768
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Low hovering cylinder-shaped UFO with tube seen in Nashville, TN, 1956

1956 - Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Two eleven-year olds were playing when they heard a strange metallic sound. They looked around and saw a cylinder-shaped craft hovering very still a few feet above a tree. It was 20-25 feet in length. There was writing on the belly of the object, and a long silver tube which protruded from bottom. This tube was "sniffing" the leaves in the tree top. The witnesses watched the object for 3-4 minutes, too scared to move, before running home.  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 767
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Sound, Witness Sketch

Fishing crews observe large conical object hovering over water

March, 25, 1981 - Ayamonte (Huelva), Spain

The fishing boat Moguer 5 left port at Ayamonte (Huelva) Spain and proceeded out to sea. Six other boats comprised the rest of a small fishing fleet. The Moguer 5 was 400 meters from the shore when a conical-shaped object was seen 100 meters farther out to sea, hovering over the water's surface. The witnesses watched the cone for 20 minutes while it rotated just above the sea's surface for 20 minutes at which time it rose vertically and disappeared into the sky.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin (vol. 29, no. 11)   ID: 766
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related, Group Sighting

Saucer-shaped UFO with dome seen in Western Pennsylvania

October, 1965 - Pennsylvania, United States

"I saw this saucer shaped disc with a dome on top about 500 to 800 feet up in the sky in front of me. It was silver yellow in color and about 30 feet in diameter. It went vertical for about 1000 feet, then made a sharp angle and disappeared at a high rate of speed, 2 or 3 seconds, no noise."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 765
Case Type: RawReport

Two police officers have dogfight with UFO during helicopter patrol

February, 27, 1993 - Jefferson County, Kentucky, United States

Two Jefferson County air unit police officers — described by their lieutenant as "solid guys" — swear they had a two-minute dogfight with a UFO during a routine helicopter patrol Friday night. Two officers on the ground said they, too, spotted the object. The UFO — a glowing pear-shaped object about the size of a basketball — literally flew circles around the helicopter, even though the fliers say they were moving at speeds approaching 100 mph.  View full report

Source: Gardiner Harris, Louisville Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY), Mar. 4, 1993   ID: 764
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Police, Pilot/Aircrew, Interaction/Reaction, Witness Photo

Woman in Guernsey, UK watches circular UFO for 20 minutes

1978 - Grandes Rocques, Guernsey, United Kingdom

A woman from Grandes Rocques awoke in the early morning hours and saw a bright golden light, going very slowly. The circular object was in her view for around 20 minutes before it vanished from her sight, allowing Mrs Wilson to get a good look at it. 'It stopped quite often, and just hung in the air. As it stopped, it let out some stuff.'  View full report

Source: Mark Ogier, Guernsey Evening Press (Guernsey, England), Jan. 12, 1993   ID: 763
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Police officer and others see dirigible-shaped UFO over Keene, NH

October, 16, 1984 - Keene, New Hampshire, United States

On Oct. 16,1984, a mysterious craft was seen over Keene near Route 12. Keene police Sgt. John C. Zeller got the call and drove out to the highway to see what was going on. He caught sight of something in the sky and shined his cruiser's spotlight on a white, dirigible-shaped object before it moved off. The following night it was back, hovering above Keene again. A lot of people reported something strange during those two nights.  View full report

Source: Paul Montgomery, The Keene Sentinel (Keene, NH), Sept. 25, 1992   ID: 762
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Police, Witness Photo, Interaction/Reaction

Florentine tailor taken aboard UFO and given message

April, 10, 1962 - San Casciano, Italy

Florentine tailor Mario Zuccala, who was walking home through a wood, watched as an object like an inverted bowl passed overhead and came close to the ground. From its underside came a cylinder, which opened up, and two beings emerged. They took hold of the witness gently under his armpits and led him into the empty interior of the object. The only part Zuccala could remember was a message that they would return to give him a message for humanity.  View full report

Source: Peter Rogerson, Magonia 50, September 1994   ID: 757
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Contact
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