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African Schoolchildren See Landed UFO and Occupant (Ariel School Sighting in Ruwa, Zimbabwe) Featured Case

September, 16, 1994 - Ruwa, Zimbabwe

On 14th September, 1994, a UFO streaked across the sky over Southern Africa. Two days later, something landed in a schoolyard in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, with three or four things beside it, according to journalist Cynthia Hind. This was witnessed by 62 schoolchildren, who had little or no exposure to TV or popular press accounts of UFOs. Cynthia Hind interviewed them the day after the encounter and made them draw pictures of what they had seen.  View full report

Source: Cynthia Hind, UFO AFRINEWS 1994   ID: 127
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Children, Group Sighting, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Voronezh, Russia UFO Landing and Aliens Featured Case

September, 27, 1989 - Voronezh, Russian Federation

The story of the Voronezh aliens recounts the adventures of several young children who claimed to have seen a three-eyed alien with a robot escort. The alien was said to be about nine foot tall. The craft, according to eye witness testimony, landed on the outskirts of the city. Shortly thereafter, the tall alien appeared, and upon seeing the young lad, shot a type of weapon at him, causing him to vanish before the eyes of the other people around him.  View full report

Source: UFO Casebook / other sources   ID: 120
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Physical Trace, Physiological Effects, Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Children, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

The Chiles-Whitted Case

July, 24, 1948 - Montgomery, Alabama, United States

Another one of the famous airline sightings of earlier years is the Chiles-Whitted Eastern Airlines case. An Eastern DC-3, en route from Houston to Atlanta, was flying at an altitude of about 5,000 ft.. near Montgomery. ...The object was some kind of vehicle. They saw no wings or empennage, but both were struck by a pair of rows of windows or some apparent openings from which there came a bright glow "like burning magnesium."  View full report

Source: Dr. James E. McDonald, U.S. House Hearings, 1968   ID: 116
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Witness Sketch, Portholes/Windows

UFO Encounter at Little Fox Lake, Yukon Featured Case

March, 30, 2000 - Little Fox Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada

Witnesses saw a 30 to 40ft diameter saucer, hovering about 200 ft off the ground! . It was a classic disc shape with a dome on top. The dome had two curved windows or lights from which a blue light was shining. The car headlights dimmed and their tape deck stopped playing. Their watches stopped functioning.  View full report

Source: Martin Jasek   ID: 115
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  E-M Effects, Vehicle Interference, Portholes/Windows, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Trans-en-Provence Physical Trace Case Featured Case

January, 8, 1981 - Trans-en-Provence, France

On the afternoon of January 8, 1981, a strange craft landed on a farm near the village of Trans-en-Provence in the Var region in southeastern France. Physical traces left on the ground were collected by the Gendarmerie within 24 hours and later analyzed in several French government laboratories. Extensive evidence of anomalous activity was detected.  View full report

Source: ISSO   ID: 110
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Physical Trace, Landing, Witness Sketch

Red Bluff Incident

August, 13, 1960 - Red Bluff, California, United States

California Highway Patrol Officers Charles A. Carson and Stanley Scott were on patrol when they sighted what they thought was an airliner about to crash. When the UFO had descended to about 100 or 200 feet altitude it suddenly reversed direction and climbed to 500 ft. Description: round or oblong surrounded by a glow (color not mentioned) and having definite red lights at each end. They continued to watch the UFO as it performed "unbelievable" aerial feats. (NICAP, 1964)  View full report

Source: Loy Lawhon, About.com   ID: 107
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  E-M Effects, Radar, Police

Coyne Helicopter Incident Featured Case

October, 18, 1973 - Mansfield, Ohio, United States

The Coyne case (or "Army helicopter incident") stands out as, perhaps the most credible (in the "high strangeness" category) of the 1973 wave. An Army Reserve helicopter crew of four men encountered a gray, metallic-looking, cigar-shaped object, with unusual lights and maneuvers, as they were airborne between Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio.  View full report

Source: Jennie Zeidman, CUFOS   ID: 104
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Military

Giant UFO over the Yukon Gold Fields / Indian River Featured Case

July, 1996 - Yukon Territory, Canada

Twin sisters saw a giant cigar-shaped UFO. It had a row of rectangular windows. Small lights were flying in and out of the large object. The UFO appeared to descent or disappear behind a mountain, or into the ground. Missing time occurred.  View full report

Source: Investigated by Martin Jasek   ID: 102
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Missing Time, Portholes/Windows, Witness Sketch

Abduction on the North Canol Road - Yukon, Canada Featured Case

September, 3, 1987 - Yukon Territory, Canada

Witness saw cigar-shaped object of green color, with portholes along side of it, flying low. Soon after, 2 beings/creatures were seen briefly nearby on the ground, and then abduction experience followed. Scoop marks found on hands afterwards.  View full report

Source: Martin Jasek, M.Sc., P. Eng.   ID: 100
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Abduction, Humanoid/Occupant, Humming, Portholes/Windows, Physiological Effects, Witness Sketch

The Pascagoula Abduction Incident Featured Case

October, 11, 1973 - Pascagoula, Mississippi, United States

The Pascagoula Incident involved two men, Parker and Hickson, both of Gautier, Mississippi, who were fishing in the Pascagoula River when they heard a buzzing noise behind them. Both turned and were terrified to see a ten-foot-wide, eight-foot-high, glowing egg-shaped object with blue lights at its front hovering just above the ground about forty feet from the river bank. As the men, frozen with fright, watched, a door appeared in the object, and three strange Beings floated just above the river towards them.  View full report

Source: Andy Page / NICAP   ID: 97
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Abduction, Physiological Effects, Polygraph Test, Witness Photo, Humanoid/Occupant

22+ Witnesses Observe a UFO Larger than a Football Stadium Featured Case

December, 11, 1996 - Yukon Territory, Canada

On December 11th, 1996 an incredible "UFO event" took place in the Yukon Territory, Canada. The giant craft was believed to be from a half mile to over a mile in diameter based on triangulation calculations and the testimony of the witnesses.  View full report

Source: Investigated by Martin Jasek, M.Sc., P. Eng.   ID: 96
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Group Sighting, Witness Sketch

The Nash-Fortenberry Sighting (aircraft encounter with formation of UFOs)

July, 14, 1952 - Virginia, United States

A Pan American World Airways DC-4 was on a routine flight from New York to Miami. The crew included Captain Koepke, First Officer William B. Nash and Second Officer William H. Fortenberry. Suddenly, they noticed six bright objects in echelon formation streaking toward them at tremendous speed. They had the fiery aspect of hot coals, but of much greater glow.  View full report

Source: Tom Tulien, Sign Historical Group   ID: 92
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Witness Photo, Multiple UFOs

Socorro / Zamora UFO Incident Featured Case

April, 24, 1964 - Socorro, New Mexico, United States

The experience of Lonnie Zamora on April 24, 1964 stands as one of the most profound ufo events in the modern history of the phenomena. Lonnie Zamora saw a highly unusual device of unknown origin, what can only be described as a "craft" of some kind, and he reported seeing what he believes were occupants.  View full report

Source: Chris Lambright   ID: 90
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Physical Trace, Landing, Police, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch

The Cash-Landrum Case Featured Case

December, 29, 1980 - Huffman, Texas, United States

A terrifying encounter with a flame belching UFO on a lonely road near Huffman, Texas, resulted in appalling injuries for the three innocent victims. According to Bob Pratt, "the case remains one of the most important in the history of ufology. It has never been resolved. Someone in the U.S. knows exactly what happened to Betty and Vickie and Colby but they have remained silent despite all the suffering - and ridicule - those three endured."  View full report

Source: NICAP   ID: 86
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Physiological Effects, Injury

Large, disk-shaped craft, domed top, with lights, at 500 ft. distance.

April, 2, 2004 - Lamar, Colorado, United States

Six lights strung together, estimated to be 600 feet in length, and 500 ft. distance. Craft was disk in shape with a dome stucture on top. 2nd witness thought the lights were windows with luminating lights from inside the craft.  View full report

Source: NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center)   ID: 85
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Police

Triangular craft hovering over I-70 in OH

July, 24, 2004 - Lewisburg, Ohio, United States

The object was triangular in shape, but not a perfect triangel. The nose was more narrow, then it contoured out. There were two lights on the outer "wings" that blinked in sync about once per second. The front of the craft put off a decently bright glow, but was not a beam of light.  View full report

Source: NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center)   ID: 83
Case Type: RawReport
Cases per page:  8   16   24