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Black triangle with 3 dome lights directly above car

January, 24, 2003 - Kingston , Ontario, Canada

"I couldn't believe my eyes; it was a black equilateral triangle right ahead of me above the road. The triangle was exactly even and equal in length on all three sides and each of the three angles. There was a large white dome light steadily 'glowing' at each of the three points... As it passed over my car I got a very good look at the bottom of the craft."  View full report

Source: NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center), Peter Davenport, Director   ID: 580
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Landed UFO frightens boy and cow; depressions left in field

May, 19, 1964 - Hubbard, Oregon, United States

Young Michael J. Bizon had gone outside his home in Hubbard, Oregon, to let the cow out of her stall. The cow seemed very nervous, and "was bucking all the way." Then he saw a square object about four feet high. The silver-colored UFO was sitting in the middle of a wheat field. It had four shiny legs. The object rose, slowly at first, and then "shot up just like a rocket." A flattened area with three spots was found in the wheat field.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 579
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physical Trace, Animal Reaction, Landing

Burn marks and holes found after UFO seen close to ground

September, 13, 1966 - Gwinner, North Dakota, United States

Young Randy E. Rotenberger was waiting for the school bus outside his home when he saw "some flashing lights," then an object. "It looked like two bowls put together," the witness told an AP reporter. He saw three "pegs" on the bottom and antennae projecting from the top. Later, "some burnt marks" and tapered holes were found at the scene, each about a foot in diameter and five inches deep.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 578
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physical Trace, Witness Sketch, Landing, Children

'Arrowhead triangle' with lights during night launch of Space Shuttle

November, 22, 1989 - Cooper City, Florida, United States

"My wife and I observed a very large, dark triangle (arrowhead shaped) flying low from east to west. It was completely silent. We counted seven (7) circular white lights on the underside. The triangle craft was moving at a high rate of speed, surrounded by a white haze."  View full report

Source: NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center), Peter Davenport, Director   ID: 577
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Witness Sketch

Terrified witnesses observe near-landing of UFO

July, 30, 1968 - Claremont, New Hampshire, United States

A manufacturing plant worker was carrying two buckets of water toward his garden when he saw "a bright round object float in a gentle arc low in the sky to the northeast." It looked like a full moon but was at an extremely low altitude. Shortly thereafter and just two miles away, a land surveyor and his wife witnessed a dome-shaped object. It was about 20 feet wide and hovered approximately 10 feet above the ground, and was 230 feet away.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 576
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Animal Reaction, Witness Sketch, Humming

Large, silent, and dark object travels across the sky

December, 13, 2004 - Neosho, Missouri, United States

"When the object was near overhead, I was able to make out its shape against the sky despite the fact that both sky and object were dark. It was roughly oval or egg shaped, but had a pylon or similiar structure on either side of it."  View full report

Source: NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center), Peter Davenport, Director   ID: 575
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Close Sighting of Large Triangular Object

April, 1, 2001 - Stillwater, Minnesota, United States

"Sitting on the passenger side of the car the witnesses were traveling in, witness 1 noticed a lighted, triangular object to his right. The object appeared to be about 250 ft on a side. The witness reported the triangle was equalateral, though his (inexact) drawing shows it as isosceles. It was not possible to discern a texture to the surface of the object. A bright white light was at each apex of the triangle underneath the craft."  View full report

Source: Craig R. Lang, Mr. Dean DeHarpporte, Minnesota MUFON and NUFORC (Nat'l UFO Report. Center)   ID: 574
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Witness Sketch

UFO lands and leaves crater-like depression with holes

May, 5, 1964 - Barnesville, Minnesota, United States

Early on the morning of May 5, 1964, farmer Alfred Ernst, of Barnesville, Minnesota, drove his truck up to his grain drill, when at 8:00 AM he saw a 3 to 4 foot long UFO on the ground. "It was a glowing oval object approximately 1,500 feet away." Afterwards, the farmer and his brother returned to the landing site. There they discovered a crater-like depression about three feet in diameter.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 573
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physical Trace, Landing

Football shaped UFO hovers near milk barn, scares animals

August, 19, 1965 - Cherry Creek, New York, United States

Sixteen year old Harold Butcher was milking the cows in his father's barn in Cherry Creek, N.Y. Harold heard one of the bulls outside make a noise "like I have never heard come from an animal before." Simultaneously he saw a metallic-looking, football-shaped UFO about 50 feet long and approximately 20 feet thick hovering just above the trees an estimated 450 feet from the barn.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 572
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Animal Reaction, E-M Effects, Physical Trace

Four rows of lights flying low across road

September, 23, 2005 - Leamington Spa, United Kingdom

"The lights then came from behind the tree line and I realised that the lights were extremely close and flying low cross the road ahead. There was a black outline to the lights but I could not quite make it out. The object angled revealing 4 equal spaced rows of lights leading to a central bright white prismed light, it seemed to slow and rotate slightly across the field."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 567
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

'Flying Cross' shaped UFO hovers near witness and dogs (Moigne Downs / Angus Brooks case)

October, 26, 1967 - Moigne Downs, United Kingdom

Angus Brooks, a former flight administrative officer for British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), was walking his dogs at Moigne Downs, Dorset, England. He saw what appeared to be a contrail high in the sky. Then the contrail disappeared and in its place, a UFO descended "at lightning speed" to 200 or 300 feet altitude. One of the dogs, back from foraging for game, stood "distraught" beside the witness.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 566
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Animal Reaction

Giant spinning top encountered by businessman

June, 29, 1964 - Near Lavonia, Georgia, United States

Businessman Beauford E. Parham was returning home late on the evening of June 29, 1964. "I spotted a very bright light in the sky . . . coming directly toward my car," the witness said in a letter to a NICAP member. "The next instance it was directly in front of my headlights spinning like a giant top. It was shaped like a top and made a hissing sound like a million snakes."  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 565
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physiological Effects, Physical Trace, Vehicle Interference, Portholes/Windows

Large triangular UFO photographed over Puerto Rico Featured Case

May, 15, 2005 - Carolina, Puerto Rico

"I saw an immense triangular object... I can tell you [and compare it] to the size of a ball park or two enormous ball parks. It was going very slowly and passed directly over me... It made no noise whatsoever and was going slowly, very slowly, and thats when the van's engine and lights went out completely... I managed to capture the craft and photograph it.  View full report

Source: Scott Corrales (INEXPLICATA - Journal of Hispanic Ufology)   ID: 564
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Photo, Vehicle Interference, E-M Effects, Physiological Effects, Animal Reaction

Strange phenomenon following automobile

October, 17, 2004 - Cheshire, United Kingdom

"We turned right, back into the dark countryside when it re-appeared next to the car on the left hand side , it went up into the air above the car so I opened my window and could see underneath what appeared to be two rings, one large wreath looking one [with some sort of a blue energy in it], and inside smaller plasma [but not luminous]like teardrop shapes chained together spinning and individually wobbling."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 562
Case Type: RawReport

Small, domed UFO with two occupants seen inside Featured Case

November, 2, 1967 - Ririe, Idaho, United States

Guy Tossie and Will Begay, two Indian youths, were driving south on Highway 26 just outside Ririe on November 2, 1967, when, about 9:30 p.m., there was a sudden blinding flash of light in front of their car, followed by the abrupt appearance of a small, domed UFO. The dome was transparent and in it were seen two small, strange-looking occupants.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 561
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, 'Dyad Scout Craft'

Circular object with dome and two 'figures' inside

December, 8, 1967 - Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States

The object was circular in shape, "about as big as a car." She was able to see that it had a domed top. In the dome, which was transparent, she could make out the indistinct outlines of two figures. At its closest, the object was no more than 100 yards away, and from 50 to 100 feet above the ground.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 560
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, 'Dyad Scout Craft'

Saucer-shaped object with dome and two occupants inside Featured Case

July, 13, 1959 - Blenheim, New Zealand

Mrs. Moreland saw a sharply- outlined saucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources of green light on the underside. The object was approximately 20 to 30 feet wide and hovered at roof-top level, about 15 feet above the ground. Inside a transparent dome, she said, there were two men, "dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shiny material."  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 559
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, 'Dyad Scout Craft', Humming, Witness Sketch

Cigar-shaped UFO with occupants seen through windows

December, 16, 1957 - Old-Saybrook, Connecticut, United States

I saw that it was a cigar-shaped object, brightly lit and with square portholes, hovering just above my clothesline. I could see men inside. . ." The object was approximately 20 to 30 feet long and dark grey or black in color. It hovered motionless about five feet above the ground. Through its lighted windows Mrs. Starr saw two figures that passed each other, walking in opposite directions.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 558
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Portholes/Windows

UFO seen at close range with appearance of occupant aboard

August, 1952 - Seat Pleasant, Maryland, United States

Sometime in August, 1952 (the exact date cannot be recalled) during the major UFO sighting wave of that year, Mrs. Suzanne E. Knight, a young housewife and mother, saw a UFO at close range with what appeared to be an occupant aboard. The UFO appeared to Mrs. Knight to resemble the wingless fuselage of a plane and was dull silver in color.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 557
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Portholes/Windows

'Figures' seen through windows of oval-shaped object

August, 25, 1952 - Pittsburg, Kansas, United States

Among those cases declared Unidentified by the Air Force which are reported to involve alleged occupants is a sighting by William Squyres. He described the object as resembling two turtle shells placed edge to edge. Along the rim where the two halves joined he noticed a series of small propellers six to twelve inches in diameter projecting outward all the way around the object.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 556
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Physical Trace, Portholes/Windows

South African constables observe disc-shaped object resting on highway

September, 16, 1965 - Pretoria, South Africa

On the night of September 16 two Pretoria, S. Africa, constables came upon a disc-shaped object resting on the highway. The headlights of their police van illuminated the copper-colored object which appeared to be about 30 feet in diameter. On top of the UFO was a small dome. In seconds the UFO suddenly lifted off the road, emitting tongues of flame.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 555
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Police, Physical Trace, Landing

Disc-shaped object hovering few feet above road

March, 31, 1966 - Near Vicksburg, Michigan, United States

Jeno Udvardy, a 1956 Hungarian refugee, was driving home from a late work shift near Vicksburg, Michigan. When he reached the crest of a hill he saw a cluster of lights on the road. They were seen to be on a disc-shaped object hovering a few feet above the road and blocking his passage.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 554
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Vehicle Interference, Humming

Immense cone-shaped object crosses low over highway

December, 21, 1964 - Near Staunton, Virginia, United States

Horace Burns, a gunsmith in Harrisonburg, saw an immense cone-shaped object cross low over the highway ahead of him. "It was 125 feet in diameter, at least, and 80 to 90 feet high," he later reported. Its circular, sloping sides rose toward the top in six large, concentric convolutions that decreased in diameter and were surmounted by a dome.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 553
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Landing, Physical Trace

Pilot 'flees' from giant cone-shaped UFO pacing plane

September, 20, 1966 - Near Sebring, Florida, United States

A Winter Haven, Florida, private pilot reported he fled from a giant cone-shaped UFO which kept his plane in shadow for about three minutes on the morning of September 20, 1966. "That thing had not changed in size at all, but was still with me and pacing me. It was still as big as a football field."  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 552
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew
Cases per page:  8   16   24