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selected ufo cases

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Large triangle object flying at low altitude

February, 16, 2003 - Kirkland, Washington, United States

"I saw a GIGANTIC jet black triangle, with lights, come very slowly twords me (it was heading west) over the trees... Upon seeing this thing, I pulled my truck over to the side of the road approximately 1/4 mile west of the entrance to the high school. It appeared to be no higher than perhaps 75 to 100 feet, and it was IMMENSE."  View full report

Source: NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center)   ID: 445
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

UFO lands and humanoid taps young schoolboy on shoulder Featured Case

February, 23, 1975 - Kofu City, Japan

Young Japanese schoolchildren watched a UFO touched down on February 23, 1975. The landing took place near Kofu City, Yamanshi Prefecture, Japan. An occupant allegedly emerged and touched one child on the shoulder, temporarily paralyzing him. The occupant then walked around the craft and reboarded. The boys, in hysterics, ran home to their parents, who observed a large, orange-red light hovering over the vineyard.  View full report

Source: Yamanashi Nichi-Nichi Shimbun (Daily News, Japan), Feb. 25, 1975   ID: 443
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Children, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo, Physical Trace

Man has encounter with 35 beings from landed UFO

June, 22, 1977 - Bulloo River, Australia

Gold prospector "Albert Smith" noticed three lights in the sky, which moved down toward him and then nestled in a clump of trees near his camp. He saw figures emerge amid dazzling lights. Thus began the most incredible, two days in the life of 47-rear-old Albert, in which he claims he was visited by people from another world at his lonely camp on the Bulloo River in far southwest Queensland.  View full report

Source: Brisbane Sunday Sun (Brisbane, Australia), Jan. 8, 1978   ID: 441
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Communication, Landing, Portholes/Windows

Security guard sees oval UFO with bright headlights

October, 1977 - Walcott, Iowa, United States

An 18-year-old woman saw a pair of bright "headlights" flashing from an oval object moving silently through the skies over Walcott, Iowa, where she worked as a security guard. Her radio and walkie-talkie stopped working, and cows and crickets in a nearby field stood silent. A television in a nearby farm house went blank, she learned later.  View full report

Source: Moline Daily Dispatch (Moline, IL), Jan. 7, 1978   ID: 440
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  E-M Effects, Animal Reaction

Family sees UFO hovering over Camas, WA

December, 24, 1977 - Camas, Washington, United States

Barbara Siewell of Springfield, OR and her family witnessed a UFO hovering over Camas, WA on Christmas Eve, 1977. Two other adult witnesses reported seeing the same thing on the same date, also in Camas, WA.  View full report

Source: Camas Post-Record (Camas, WA), Jan. 25, 1978   ID: 439
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Portholes/Windows

Construction worker sees massive disc-shaped object

March, 1, 1978 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

A Pittsburgh construction worker and his girlfriend claimed they saw a massive disc-shaped object settle about 2,000 feet over Highland Reservoir. He estimated its size as larger than the reservoir itself. Paul Oles, program director for Buhl Planetarium, also saw a bright light which he "can't explain," about one hour earlier.  View full report

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pittsburgh, PA), March 4, 1978   ID: 438
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Humming

UFO with two occupants hovers over man's car

1975 - San Antonio, Texas, United States

A 48-year-old San Antonio sheet metal worker claims he had a close encounter of the third kind with two occupants of a UFO. He was driving his pickup truck just south of San Antonio when he "was approached, spotlighted and, nearly buffeted off the road by an unidentified craft," investigators report.  View full report

Source: San Antonio Evening News (San Antonio, TX), Feb. 20, 1978   ID: 437
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Vehicle Interference, Witness Sketch, 'Dyad Scout Craft'

Six witnesses see UFO in Jayess, MS

February, 5, 1977 - Jayess, Mississippi, United States

"The most dramatic sighting of an UFO to be reported in this part of Mississippi took place near Jayess Saturday, February 5, and was seen at close quarters by at least six adults. Another sighting was reported in Madison County Wednesday, February 3, and was seen there by a constable and a deputy sheriff."  View full report

Source: Tylertown Times (Tylertown, MS), Feb. 17, 1977   ID: 436
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Portholes/Windows

A UFO in a Street in Plauen, Germany Featured Case

May, 21, 1994 - Plauen, Germany

The witness 'spotted a big luminous object approximately 100 meters away, hovering at an altitude of about 30 meters just above the building. It looked to her like two frisbees stuck together, turning in opposite directions. The bottom part had small, dark squares that looked like windows under which a circle of white lights rotated in a clockwise direction. The object appeared to be about 10 meters in diameter.'  View full report

Source: Illobrand von Ludwiger - MUFON-CES   ID: 435
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Portholes/Windows

The Incident at Exeter (Muscarello Case)

September, 3, 1965 - Exeter, New Hampshire, United States

Norman Muscarello, a teenage Navy recruit, was walking down a quiet country highway at night, when suddenly, a huge object loomed above him. Thus began the "Incident at Exeter," a series of sightings officially qualified as "unidentified." The encounters that night took special precedence over other UFO sightings because of the credibility of two Exeter police officers who also saw the UFO, as well as that of the dispatcher and supervising officer who first heard Muscarello's account.  View full report

Source: The Portsmouth Herald (Portsmouth, NH), Sept. 2, 2005   ID: 426
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Police, Animal Reaction, Witness Photo

UFO hovers over two policemen in patrol car

February, 10, 1977 - Flora, Mississippi, United States

Madison County Sheriff's Deputy Kenneth Creel and Constable James Luke were on a routine patrol drive when they witnessed a 30 to 40 foot UFO which approached them at close range. "The thing came right over the car," said Creel. "...The thing just hovered over us, about 20 or 30 feet up, for more than a minute."  View full report

Source: Madison Co. Herald (Canton, MS), Feb. 17, 1977   ID: 425
Case Type:     Features:  Police

UFO with 'light extensions' seen by many in Namibia

August, 16, 1976 - Walvish Bay, Namibia

Several people witnessed a strange object over the wilderness in Walvish Bay, Namibia, Africa. This same object was also seen one month earlier. It was described as having a top (with a round ball underneath) that shone brilliantly. Two light extensions were also shining and shot off something which looked like sparks.  View full report

Source: Namib Times (Namibia, Africa), Aug. 17, 1976   ID: 422
Case Type: PressReport

Boys on camping trip report sighting UFO

July, 26, 1976 - Patesville, Kentucky, United States

Five boys were camping in a forest valley, when at around 11 p.m. one of the boys glimpsed a bright, glowing bell-shaped object traveling at fantastic speed in an east-to-west direction. The object was a glowing, golden color, and maintained an altitude of 450-500 feet'. The boys described it as emitting "sparkles" from the rear as it traversed the sky.  View full report

Source: Hancock County Clarion (Hawesville, KY), July 29, 1976   ID: 418
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Children

UFO on the Sea Near Rio de Janeiro

June, 27, 1970 - Near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This incident, which took place in broad daylight, is notable because it was certainly observed by, at least eight witnesses. A great metallic disc came down on the surface of the South Atlantic Ocean. The disc remained on the surface of the water for half an hour, and two crewmen were seen inside it. When the disc took off, it left behind it on the sea a sort of ring or hoop.  View full report

Source: Dr. W. Buhler, Flying Saucer Review. Vol. 17, No. 3. May/June 1971 (WaterUFO.net)   ID: 416
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related, Humanoid/Occupant, Group Sighting

Disc Zooms Down Snake River Canyon, Idaho

August, 13, 1947 - Snake River Canyon, Idaho, United States

A farmer and his two sons, were at his fishing camp on August 13, 1947. He noticed an object some 300 feet away, 75 feet above the ground. It was edge hopping, following the contour of the ground, was sky blue, about 20 feet in diameter and 10 feet thick, and had pods on the side from which flames were shooting out. It made a swishing sound.  View full report

Source: Twin Falls Times News, (Twin Falls, Idaho) August 15th, 1947   ID: 415
Case Type: PressReport

Flying Disc 'Bigger Than Car' Photographed By Youth

July, 9, 1947 - Norfolk , Virginia, United States

The flying disc "was lots bigger then an automobile" and 13-year-old Bill Turrentine of 410 West fourteenth Street doesn't understand why almost everybody in Norfolk didn't see. He saw the large object, "rocking and spinning like a football" and coming from the southwest.  View full report

Source: Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch (Norfolk, Virginia), July 9th, 1947   ID: 414
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Photo, Children

Disc-shaped object photographed in Arizona

August, 6, 2005 - Salt River Canyon, Arizona, United States

"I took this photograph while driving through the Salt River Canyon (between Globe and Show Low) on Arizona State Route 60. We were approaching the bridge at the bottom of the canyon. I did not see the object in the sky. It only became visible when I downloaded the images onto my computer."  View full report

Source: Ed O'Toole / UFOEvidence.org   ID: 413
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Photo

Circular Object Seen and Photographed in Calgary

July, 3, 1967 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Of the 35 photographic cases examined by the Condon Committee, only two were judged to be "first priority" -- having potential value in establishing the existence of "flying saucers." One was the so-called Calgary case with its two photos. Dr. Hynek, who subjected the original negatives to exhaustive lab tests, called the first photo the "best Daylight Disc photograph I have personally investigated."  View full report

Source: Knight   ID: 412
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Photo

Two Brothers Photograph Circular Object in Michigan

January, 9, 1967 - Lake St. Clair, Michigan, United States

Two teen-age brothers, Dan and Grant Jaroslaw, made some photos of a domed object with an apparent tower on one side over Lake St. Clair, Michigan. They photographed it from the backyard of their Mt. Clemens home, about a mile from Selfridge Air Force Base. The object was moving slowly at a very low altitude. It remained in view about 10 minutes.  View full report

Source: Knight   ID: 411
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Photo, Children

Mini-UFOs and Metal Pieces in Finland

March, 16, 1979 - Suonenjoki, Finland

Suddenly Jarmo heard a humming sound obliquely from behind. He turned around. At an altitude of about two meters he saw a bell-shaped mini-UFO. Now he started taking photos of the UFO. It radiated blue light and moved forward descending and ascending. After having taken five photos he started walking toward the UFO. Then the UFO disappeared.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 28, No. 5, Nov. 1979   ID: 410
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Photo, Physical Trace, Artifact, Humming

Saturn-shaped Object seen and photographed in Brazil

May, 12, 1976 - Passo Fondo, Brazil

Mr. Joshua da Silva and Mr. Gesareo Goncalves were driving in Goncalves' car. At ten A.M. when they were less than fifty kilometers from Passo Fondo, da Silva spotted a silver metallic spherical object resembling the planet Saturn, replete with ring. They estimated the object which had a "brushed metal" surface to be six to eight meters (twenty to twenty six feet) in diameter.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Nov. 1978   ID: 409
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Photo

Large object with lights photographed by police officer, seen by hundreds

1980 - Levittown, Puerto Rico, United States

Hundreds of witnesses observed a disc, illuminated by bright lights, flying at a low altitude over a residential quarter of Levittown. When dozens of people called the local police station, a patrol car was sent. Police Officer Sgt. José Cordero arrived just in time to observe the large disc passing directly over him. He was able to take ten photos with his official Polaroid camera.  View full report

Source: Hesemann   ID: 408
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Photo, Group Sighting

Cylindrical UFO Photographed Over New York City

March, 20, 1950 - New York City, New York, United States

This cylindrical-appearing UFO was photographed over New York City on March 20, 1950. The photographer's name was deleted from Project Blue Book's files -- as were most names when the material was finally declassified and released. Upon investigating the report, Project Grudge officially labeled it: "the moon"!  View full report

Source: Knight   ID: 407
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Photo

'Capsule-shaped' Flying Object Photographed in Wichita, Kansa

June, 27, 1967 - Wichita, Kansas, United States

On June 27, 1967, during the 1967 UFO wave, Mr. Jefferson Villar of Union City succeeded in photographing the bright silver-colored, capsule-shaped object that passed over his head. It was brilliantly reflecting the sun's rays like metal and was making a strange noise as it flew along.  View full report

Source: Devereux   ID: 406
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Photo
Cases per page:  8   16   24